Review Process

Review process

All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to editorial review and plagiarism. Similarity index above 20% will be rejected out rightly.

Manuscripts with a similarity index of 20% or less, will be forwarded to 2 expert reviewers in the field for peer review.


The Editorial Board and the Technical Committee will make their decision based on the reviewers' reports. A manuscript can be accepted as it is, accepted with minor corrections, accepted with major corrections, or rejected.


If a manuscript is accepted, an acceptance letter will be forwarded to the corresponding author. For rejected manuscripts, a notification will be forwarded to the corresponding authors.


Conflicts of interest

Authors are expected to declare any conflict of interest.


Confidentiality and data use

The peer-review procedure is confidential. Information or correspondence regarding a manuscript will not be shared with anybody outside of this process. Editorial board or Technical Committee members will not use new information, arguments, or interpretations contained in a proposal before publishing unless the authors explicitly consent.