Paper Submission Guidelines

We are excited to welcome authors to submit their technical papers for the International Research and Development Conference (IRDeC-2024) using Microsoft word. Please cohere to the instructions outlined below to ensure a smooth submission process:

Accessing the Submission System:
To submit your paper, access the Conference Management Toolkit (Microsoft Word) via the provided submission link:
Paper Preparation:
Prepare your paper in accordance with the conference paper template below and the guidelines available on the conference website.

Details can also be found in the Call for Papers: Click here to download
To download the Conference Brochure:- Click here to download
After getting the acceptance e-mail of the Paper, the author needs to submit the following agreement to the conference  Otherwise, the accepted paper will not be published in the conference proceedings. The agreements are given below:-

Regular Papers: between 4 to 5 pages maximum (2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge)
Regular papers should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. A very limited number of short papers (between 2 to 3 pages) can be accepted based on the review and conference chair’s decision.

Author's Guidelines:

  1. Each paper must be original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere (copyright infringement issues will be the responsibility of the authors). Papers must be written in good English.

    2. It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords, and its introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper. The similarity index for a submitted paper should be the same as the publication house says. It may vary from time to time.

    3. The length of the paper should be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 5 pages including metadata. The metadata should be in the first page of the paper.

    4. The authors are encouraged to prepare their papers as per the given guidelines.

    5. Submitted papers must be in PDF format and should be submitted electronically via Microsoft Word Link.

    6. Maximum 5 authors allowed in the manuscript.

Paper Submission:

Fill in the required details, including the paper title, abstract, and author information.

Upload your paper in PDF format as per the provided submission instructions.

Assign appropriate keywords to your submission.

Review Process:

  • There is a call for paper with the firm deadline in terms of submission, acceptance, review of the revised submission and camera-ready submission. The Editorial Board has decided to implement desk review and rejection by the editorial board. On scrutinizing the papers by the editorial board, if the papers are rejected in the process of desk review, that will not assign any review further. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism by iThenticateR or Turnitin, and when identified, the submissions by the same author will be rejected at any stage of the conference even after the conference and after the publication of the proceedings online from the CRC. The question of reimbursement of registration fees will not be applicable here.

  • Names and Affiliations of the authors must NOT be included anywhere in the paper during the initial submission. For peer review purposes, self-references are NOT permitted. If the author needs to refer to his/her own paper, the reference MUST be made in the third person in the text description of the submitted article. Any attempt to reveal author details and affiliation at the time of initial submission will lead to the rejection summarily of the paper without further processing. The review will be fully Double-Blind.

  • All papers that conform to submission guidelines will be evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, and readability. Acceptance of papers will be communicated to authors by the submission portal. The authors of the accepted papers will be allowed to make corrections following the suggestions of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers within the stipulated deadline. All camera-ready papers must be prepared in conformance with the reviewer's report. The Editorial Board is responsible for the correctness of the manuscript, including formal presentation and completeness. The Editorial Board is also responsible for ensuring that the content of each contribution meets the designated requirements of the publisher. The Editorial Board or the Publisher's decision would be final in this regard. Acceptance based on the recommendation of reviewers will be at the sole discretion of the editors.

Mode of presentation:

IRDeC 2024 will be held in hybrid mode, where authors shall present their papers either in physical mode at the conference venue or online as per their preference and convenience. The proceedings and certificates will be sent to the corresponding authors through the post in case of an online presentation. However, all matters related to publication and indexing will remain unchanged.

  • PPT Template for IRDeC: Click here to download

Revisions and Camera-Ready Submission:

If your paper is accepted with revisions, carefully address the reviewers’ comments and revise your paper accordingly.

Submit the final camera-ready version of your paper by the specified deadline.