Publication Ethics and Malpractice

The International Conference on Research and Development (IRDeC) 2024 is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and will stop publication malpractice at all costs. Among other things, the Editorial Board is in charge of stopping publication misconduct. Plagiarism in any form is not tolerated by the IRDeC '2024, and unethical behavior is unacceptable. Authors who have contributed articles: confirm that the content of the manuscript is original. Additionally, the submission by the authors indicates that the work has not been previously published in any language, in whole or in part, and that it is not presently being considered for publication anywhere else. As outlined in the COPE Code of Conduct for Editors, editors, authors, and reviewers within the IRDeC '2024 are expected to uphold the highest standards of good publication practice and take full responsibility for carrying out their assigned tasks. The author(s) of an article surrenders copyright to Kampala International University, Uganda (KIU) upon acceptance for publication; nevertheless, authors are still responsible for the content of their published works. As part of the IRDeC 2024 guidelines has written as on the conference website

Publication and Authorship

  • All papers submitted are subjected to a rigorous peer-review procedure by the international reviewers who possess specialized knowledge in the relevant field.
  • The evaluation process considers originality, readability, significance, soundness, and relevancy.
  • After reviewing and the document the process of the acceptance, acceptance with modifications or rejection,
  • Articles that are rejected won't be reviewed again.
  • The acceptance of the manuscript is subject to the copyright, libel, and plagiarism laws that will be in effect at that time.
  • It is not permissible for any research to be published more than once.

Author’s Responsibilities

  • It is required of authors to attest that their manuscripts are their unique creations.
  • The authors attest that the manuscript hasn't been published anywhere else before.
  • Peer review requires authors to take part in it.
  • Authors must swiftly respond to requests for clarifications, raw data, and documentation of ethics approval, patient consents, and copyright permissions.
  • Every author included in the publication has to have made a substantial contribution to the investigation.
  • The authors must attest to the veracity and authenticity of all the data in the work.
  • When a first judgment indicates that "revisions necessary," writers should promptly, methodically, and point-by-point address the reviewers' feedback. Retractions and error corrections must be provided by authors.
  • Any conflicts of interest by authors must be disclosed to the editors.
  • Writers are required to notify the editors of any mistakes they find in their published work.
  • They should then revise and resubmit their work to the journal by the specified deadline.

Reviewers' Responsibilities

  • All information pertaining to articles should be treated as privileged information and kept confidential by reviewers.
  • Reviews must to be carried out impartially, without any personal jabs at the writer. They should clearly articulate their opinions and provide evidence to back them up.
  • It is the responsibility of reviewers to locate pertinent literature that hasn't been referenced by the writers.
  • In addition, reviewers ought to draw the Editor in Chief's attention to any notable resemblance or overlap that may exist between the article being considered and any other published paper about which they are personally aware.
  • It is not appropriate for reviewers to work on manuscripts where they have a conflict of interest due to partnerships, competing ties, organizations, or enterprises associated with the articles.

Editors' Responsibilities

  • Editors bear full accountability and the power to approve or disapprove an article. They are also in charge of the publication's content and general standard.
  • When trying to make a magazine better, editors should constantly take the demands of the authors and readers into account.
  • The integrity of the academic record and the caliber of the papers should be ensured by editors.
  • When necessary, editors ought to release errata pages or make corrections, and
    need to be well-informed on the financing sources of research projects.
  • Editors ought to base their decisions exclusively on the significance, novelty, lucidity, and pertinence of the papers to the publication's scope.
  • Reviewers' anonymity should be protected by editors.
  • Editors have an obligation to make sure that all research material they publish complies with widely recognized ethical standards.
  • Editors ought to approve a paper only after they are fairly certain about it, and should take appropriate action in the event that they suspect misbehavior, regardless of whether the paper has been published or not, and should endeavor to resolve the issues better.
  • Editors ought to have evidence of misbehavior before rejecting an article; they shouldn't act solely on suspicion.
  • Conflicts of interest between staff, authors, reviewers, and board members should not be permitted by editors.